

当会が加盟する人文社会科学系学協会男女共同参画推進連絡会(通称:GEAHSS)後援の「フィールドワークにおける性暴力・セクシュアルハラスメントに関する実態調査アンケート」についてお知らせいたします。以下は、実施主体:共同研究グループ「フィールドワークとハラスメント」(HiF) からのメッセージです。




アンケートはこちらをクリック(アンケート趣旨ページに飛びます。趣旨ページの末尾に、回答用URL(Microsoft Formsへのリンク)があります)

  1. 調査名:「フィールドワークにおける性暴力・セクシュアルハラスメントに関する実態調査アンケート」
  2. 調査目的:フィールドワーク中に起きた性暴力・セクシュアルハラスメントとその対策・対処についての実態把握
  3. 使用言語:日本語または英語
  4. 回答所要時間:3~30分
  5. 実施時期:2022年1月15日~2022年2月15日28日
  6. 実施形式:Microsoft Formsを利用したウェブ・アンケート
  7. 倫理審査:名古屋大学倫理審査委員会による審査・承認済み(承認番号:NUHM-21-009)
  8. 実施主体:共同研究グループ「フィールドワークとハラスメント」(HiF)
  9. 後援:⼀般社団法人男女共同参画学協会連絡会
  10. 問い合わせ先:sub.fieldworkandsafety@gmail.com





Title: An invitation to the “Survey Concerning Sexual Violence and Harassment in Fieldwork Situations”

Dear colleagues

We are inviting you to complete an online survey about sexual violence and sexual harassment in fieldwork. The study is being conducted by a multidisciplinary research project team (Harassment in Fieldwork, HiF) led by Ruriko Otomo at Hokkaido University. The survey is supported by the Japan Inter-Society Liaison Association Committee for Promoting Equal Participation of Men and Women in Science and Engineering (EPMEWSE, https://djrenrakukai.org/en/index.html) and Gender Equality Association for Humanities and Social Sciences (GEAHSS, https://geahssoffice.wixsite.com/geahss)

The survey is strictly confidential and anonymous. It is bilingual (Japanese, English) and will be open during January 15 – February 28, 2022. It should take no longer than 3–30 minutes to complete.

The purpose of the survey is to understand the actual situation regarding sexual violence and sexual harassment in fieldwork with a future aim to promote pre-fieldwork preparation and develop countermeasures.

We adopt a broad and cross-disciplinary definition of fieldwork as a way of doing research where individuals collect research data and materials first hand outside of the laboratory/office at your affiliated institution.

If you identify yourself as a fieldworker according to the aforementioned definition, your participation is most welcome. Even if you haven’t experienced sexual violence/sexual harassment, your input will also help provide valuable information not only for the betterment of the research environment for students and researchers undertaking fieldwork, but also for those who send their students to respective field sites. For those who haven’t experienced sexual violence/sexual harassment, the survey will take around 3-5 minutes.

We would be very grateful if you could consider helping us with our important research.

Please click on the web link below to begin the survey. You are directed to read the preface of the survey in a web page. At the bottom of this page, you will find the web link for the online survey.


Thank you very much for giving your time to help us with our research.
If you have queries or comments about the survey, please contact:
Ruriko Otomo
Associate Professor
Research Faculty of Media and Communication
Hokkaido University
Kita 17, Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo,
Hokkaido, 060-0817, Japan
